The Great British Bucket List: Revealed


Money Saving Tips

Having been unable to holiday abroad or travel to visit friends and family, thinkmoney can reveal that Brits are hoping to prepare for life post-pandemic.

thinkmoney surveyed 2,000 Brits to discover their plans post-pandemic. And it turns out that travelling is more important than major life events with Brits looking forward to experiencing new cultures when it is safe to do so.

48% of Brits surveyed plan to spend more on travelling than they would pre-pandemic

The UK’s lockdowns have left many with itchy feet. Almost half (48%) of Brits polled said they plan to spend more on travelling than they would have before the pandemic. It seems holidays abroad are also more of a focus than travelling within the UK.

thinkmoney’s findings also revealed that over a quarter (27%) of Brits are looking to spend more money on holidays abroad. Comparatively, 21% of Brits plan to spend more on holidaying in the UK – suggesting that whilst Brits are happy to invest more in travelling local, they’ve missed experiencing new cultures abroad.

Searches for ‘holidays abroad’ have increased by 56%

thinkmoney can reveal that searches for ‘holidays abroad’ have increased by a staggering 56% between January and March 2021, compared to the same period in 2020, suggesting just how much Brits are looking forward to travelling overseas when able.

Searches for ‘bucket list ideas’ have also increased by 14% in 2021, further highlighting the want for experiencing new cultures.

It has even previously been reported that more than half of Brits made a bucket list during the UK lockdown, and travel experts predict that 2021 is to be the year of “big bucket list trips” and “that trip of a lifetime”.

Lazar Vukovic, an entrepreneur and author, stated the pandemic had made him want to tick things off his bucket list, saying: “Witnessing how the world can change overnight really does put life into perspective. Your journey is unique but things which we have taken for granted such as social gatherings and travel really makes you appreciate the ‘freedom’ that we had a little more. Many times, you’d often put things off for another time, a nicer day or ‘when the time is right’. The pandemic has taught us, there’s never a right time, if you want to do it, you need to make it happen.” Lazar has since gone on to write a book and even created a documentary during the pandemic.

With many of us having more time on our hands over the past 12 months, it’s likely that we will see people trying to tick off those items when restrictions allow.

But where are people wanting to travel?

Australia tops the leader board with almost 1 in 5 adding it to their bucket list

thinkmoney can reveal the British public’s top bucket list destinations, as well as the cost for flights and one- week accommodation in each location, per person.

Australia has been praised for how they handled the COVID-19 pandemic, and it appears Brits now want to head ‘down under’ when travel restrictions are lifted and we feel safer. Almost a fifth (19%) said they had plans to add Australia’s Gold Coast to their bucket list and travel to the country once able. However, the top spot comes at a cost as the furthest location from Britain, with prices for flights and accommodation for one week starting at around £2,145 per person.

Bucket List DestinationAvg. Cost (Flights and Accommodation) for 1 week for one personPopularity for Brits (percentage)
1. Gold Coast of Australia£2,14519%
2. Visit the Eiffel Tower£1,20917%
3. Visit the Colosseum£89912%
4. Trek Machu Picchu£1,03811%

Coming a close second is Paris, with 17% stating that visiting the Eiffel Tower is on their bucket list. Luckily, Brits can get their much easier and cheaper when restrictions allow, with flights and a hotel for one week costing around £1,209.

Rounding the top three is the capital of Italy, Rome, with 1 in 8 (12%) adding it to their bucket list for when normality resumes. You can swap homemade pasta and pizza for the real thing for around £899 for flights and accommodation for the week.

With all of the walking we have been doing in lockdown, it’s little surprise that trekking around Machu Picchu is the fourth most popular choice for 11%. The trip could cost around £1,038 per person for flights and accommodation.

With that in mind, just how much more are we willing to spend on our holidays?

1 in 6 are willing to spend more than £2,000 per person on holidays post-pandemic

thinkmoney can reveal that 1 in 6 (18%) of Brits surveyed said they will be spending more than £2,000 per person on their holidays when they can travel again, which is enough for the most popular bucket list destinations thinkmoney identified. But, for those travelling in pairs, that’s more than double the UK’s average monthly wage at £1,996.

thinkmoney can also reveal that 28% want to spend £100 - £300 on their holidays. With that in mind, thinkmoney are sharing their tips for helping you to start saving for your holidays in the future.

thinkmoney’s top tips to saving £1,301 for travelling

It’s estimated that the average holiday for a family of four is a staggering £4,792. That’s a large sum of money to save if you are struggling but here are 10 steps to saving more than £1,300, getting you that little bit closer to your dream experience.

1. Price up the essentials of your holiday

If you have a holiday you are saving for, you need to make a list of the items you need money for to ensure you can prioritise and, most importantly, budget:

  • Flights
  • Accommodation
  • Disposable travel money (excursions, souvenirs)
  • Sun cream and additional toiletries
  • Holiday clothes
  • Any food and drink
  • Other expenses (vehicle hire)

Naming your goal will also help you keep motivated if attempting to save for your travels.

2. Save £3 per day for £1,095 over the year

You don’t need to save large amounts of money for your holidays. You can start small and save what you are ablecan. For instance, setting £3 aside each day will see you save £1,095 over the course of the year, which you can put towards next summer’s holiday.

3. Keep hold of your coins and save up £74

If you happen to carry a lot of loose change, make sure you save it. Just putting 20p into a jar over the course of 365 days will help you save £74.

4. Stop leaving appliances on standby and save up to £80

We are all guilty of not switching appliances off properly but doing so can cost you more money than you realise. It’s reported that leaving appliances - such as your TV, phone, computer and more - could be adding up to £80 on your energy bills, which you could use as extra spending money for your travels.

5. Round up your purchases to save £52 for your holiday

If you spend £21.50 at the shop, round it up to £22 and add that extra 50p to your savings. If you were to do that over 12 months and went to the shop twice a week, that’s an extra £52 in your pocket.

6. Travel during the week for cheaper deals

Flying over the weekend can be more expensive than, for instance, flying on a Tuesday. If you are able, fly during the week on quieter days to ensure you are getting the best bargain.

7. Try and use price comparison sites

There are price comparison sites for holidays overseas and in the UK. But it’s important to use these with care as by offering the cheapest price, the companies might also be removing extras such as insurance – which could cost you if something were to happen. So, we do recommend looking around for the best price but being aware of what you are paying for.

8. Pick your dates for travelling carefully

Holidays always tend to be more expensive during the summer holidays so, if you can, book your travels towards the end or after those holidays. The first week in September is normally significantly cheaper during the holiday period.

9. Clear your cookies

If you are shopping around for a holiday in the future, ensure you clear your cookies. Websites can increase the price of your holiday by installing cookies on your computer which stores your browser history. They can, therefore, compare the price you have already seen and increase it. To avoid this, clear your cookies using the setting options in your toolbar.

10. Be on the lookout for holiday scams

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has seen a rise in scams. After working so hard to save for your travels, it’s important to be careful and always do your research. Check online reviews if you are looking to book with a particular company. Similarly, always check for a padlock symbol in your browser when looking to pay.

Above all, it’s important to travel carefully and safely, following the social distancing restrictions in place for the area you are visiting.

If you are looking for even more tips on saving your money, check out our latest advice and even learn how to create a budget for the first time.

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